Citizens in Suwanee can contribution to a city-wide campaign to help purchase new art installations in Town Center Park. Suwanee’s Art for All campaign hopes to raise $1.25 million in private contributions to support the inclusion of three new art pieces.

To ensure that gifts are tax-deductible, the city has partnered with the Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia, a 501(c)3 public nonprofit committed to strengthening communities in Gwinnett and northeastern Georgia through the power of philanthropy.

This partnership provides the city with the professional infrastructure needed to sustain a three-year timeline for the project. The Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia will provide professional stewardship, including the timely acknowledgement of gifts made, tracking and sending reminders as needed for multi-year pledges, and the ability to accept gifts of appreciated securities (saving the donor capital gains tax) or other types of tangible property.

Gifts may be spread out over a period of up to three years, and the opportunity to name an area of the park or a piece of art may be available to those providing leadership gifts. Information: or the Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia at

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